GDP - Gross Domestic Product
What is GDP?
Economic growth is measured in terms of an increase in the
size of a nation’s economy. A broad measure of an economy’s output. A most
widely used measure of economic output is the Gross Domestic Product.
Domestic Product (GDP), a calculation method in national accounting is
defined as the total value of final goods and services produced within a
country's borders in a year, regardless of ownership. GDP measures only final
goods and services, that is those goods and services that are consumed by their
final user, and not used as an input into other goods. Measuring intermediate
goods and services would lead to double counting of economic activity within a
country. This distinction also removes transfers between individuals and
companies from GDP. There are three approaches to calculating GDP with rendering
same results.
Approach: Calculates the final spending on goods and services.
Approach: Calculates the market value of goods and service produced.
Approach: Sums the income received by all products in the country.
Approach to determine GDP:
GDP = private consumption + government purchases + investment
+ net exports
· Consumption is calculated
by adding durable and non - durable and service expenditures. It is unaffected
by the estimated value of imported goods.
· The investment includes
investment in fixed assets and increase in inventory.
· Government purchases are
equal to the government expenditures less government transfer payments.
· Net Exports are exports
minus imports.
Without any adjustment, the GDP calculation is distorted by
inflation. This unadjusted GDP is known as the nominal GDP. In practice, GDP is
adjusted by dividing the nominal GDP by a price deflator to arrive at the real
In an inflationary environment, the nominal GDP is greater
than the real GDP. If the price deflator is not known, an implicit price
deflator can be calculated by dividing the nominal GDP by the real GDP:
Price Deflator = Nominal GDP / Real GDP
The composition of this deflator is different from that of
the consumer price index in that the GDP deflator includes government goods,
investment goods, and exports rather than the traditional consumer-oriented
basket of goods. GDP usually is reported each quarter on a seasonally adjusted
annualized basis. GDP GROWTH Countries seek to increase their GDP in order to
increase their standard of living. Note that growth in GDP does not result in
increased purchasing power if the growth is due to inflation or population
increase. For purchasing power, it is the real, per capita GDP that is
important. While investment is an important factor in a nation's GDP growth,
even more important is greater respect for laws and contracts.
Real Gross
Domestic Product (RGDP) and Stock Prices:
The measure of aggregate output in the national income
accounts is Gross Domestic Product (GDP) according to Blanchard (1997). He
stated that there are three ways of thinking about an economy’s GDP. These are that:
• GDP is the value of the final goods and services produced
in the economy during a given period
• GDP is the sum of value added in the economy during a given
• GDP is the sum of incomes in the economy during a given
Nominal GDP is simply the sum of the quantities of final
goods produced times their current price. Economists use nominal for variables
expressed in units of the currency of the relevant country. Nominal GDP
increases over time for two reasons.
The first is that the production of most goods increases over
time. The second is that the price of most goods increases over time. In order
to measure production and its change over time, the effect of increasing prices
need to be eliminated.
Hence, focus is on real GDP rather than nominal. Carstrom
(2002) expressed that stock prices and future RGDP growth are related. He gave
two prominent explanations for this; the first explanation was that changes in
information about the future course of RGDP cause prices to change in the stock
market today. He also said that changes in stock prices, no matter what the
source is, will reduce firms’ asset positions and affect the cost of their
borrowing. When it costs more for firms to borrow money, they borrow and invest
less, RGDP growth slows. Changes in information about the future course of RGDP
may cause prices to change in the stock market. This explanation suggests that
while stock prices are used to predict future economic activity, the actual
causality is from future GDP growth in current stock prices
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